Maryam Daryalal
Assistant Professor of Operations Research
Department of Decision Sciences
HEC Montréal, University of Montréal

maryam [dot] daryalal [at] hec [dot] ca

Department of Decision Sciences
HEC Montréal | University of Montréal
3000 Côte-Sainte-Catherine Road
Montréal, QC H3T 2A7

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto (2022)
M.S., Computer Science, Concordia University (2016)
M.S., Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology (2013)
B.S., Industrial Engineering & Systems Analysis, Amirkabir University of Technology (2011)
Research Interests
Application Areas
Stochastic optimization
Robust optimization
Integer programming
Large-scale optimization
Description logic
Decision making under uncertainty
Supply chain planning
Semantic web
The focus of my research is to expand the methodological aspects of sequential decision-making under uncertainty and its applications. In doing so, I develop novel decision rules and solution techniques to obtain policies and bounds on multistage stochastic programming and robust optimization problems. Moreover, I study such sequential decision-making problems that arise in various application areas, including telecommunications industry, healthcare sector, and supply chain management.

Journal Publications
M. Daryalal, A.N. Arslan, M. Bodur. Two-stage and Lagrangian dual decision rules for multistage adaptive robust optimization. Under revision at Operations Research. [pdf]
M. Daryalal, H. Pouya, Marc-Antoine DeSantis. Network migration problem: A hybrid logic-based Benders decomposition. INFORMS Journal on Computing, Articles in Advance, pp. 1-21, 2023. [pdf]
M. Daryalal, M. Bodur, J. Luedtke. Lagrangian dual decision rules for multistage stochastic mixed integer programming. Operations Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1-21, 2022. [pdf]
M. Daryalal, M. Bodur. Stochastic RWA and lightpath rerouting in WDM networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing, volume 34, issue 5, pp. 2383-2865, C2, 2022. [pdf]
B. Jaumard, M. Daryalal. Efficient spectrum utilization in large scale RWA problems. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, volume 25, issue 2, pp. 1263-1278, 2017. [pdf]
Refereed Conference Proceedings
B. Jaumard, M. Daryalal. Optimizing spectrum utilization in dynamic RWA. IEEE International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), pages 1-6, 2016. [pdf]
B. Jaumard, M. Daryalal. Scalable elastic optical path networking models. IEEE International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), pages 1-4, 2016. [pdf]
J. Vlasenko, M. Daryalal, V. Haarslev, B. Jaumard. A saturation-based algebraic reasoner for ELQ. Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning, 8th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR), pages 110-124, 2016. [pdf]
B. Jaumard, M. Daryalal. Solving very large RWA data instances. IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), pages 1-6, 2016. [pdf]
Other Publications
M. Daryalal. Sequential decision-making under uncertainty: novel methodologies and applications. PhD Dissertation, 2022. [pdf]
Data and Online Supplements
Data for paper "Stochastic RWA and lightpath rerouting in WDM networks", by Daryalal and Bodur. [StochasticRWA]
Data for paper "Efficient spectrum utilization in large scale RWA problems", by Jaumard and Daryalal. [DetRWA]
Data for paper "A saturation-based algebraic reasoner for ELQ", by Vlasenko, Daryalal, Haarslev, Jaumard. [ELQOntologies]

Awards & Honors
Best Paper Award, INFORMS Telecom. & Network Analytics, INFORMS Annual Meeting (2023)
Judith Liebman Award, INFORMS (2021)
MIE Teaching Assistant Award, University of Toronto (2021)
Best Student Paper Finalist, Canadian Operational Research Society (2021)
Seth Bonder Foundation Student Grant, INFORMS (2020)
Best Operations Research Poster, MIE Graduate Research Symposium (2018)
Connaught International Scholarship Award, University of Toronto (2017)
Concordia Merit Award, Concordia University (2014)
Conferences & Talks
Large-scale optimization methods for logical reasoning: A novel perspective, Mixed-Integer Programming Workshop, Lexington (May 2024)
Two-stage decision rules for multistage adaptive robust optimization, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix (2023)
Network migration problem: A hybrid logic-based Benders decomposition approach, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Award presentations, Phoenix (2023)
A hybrid logic-based Benders decomposition approach for the network migration problem, Discrete Optimization Talks, Online (2023)
Novel decision rules in sequential decision-making under uncertainty, International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Davis (2023})
Logic-based Benders decomposition for the network migration problem, International Network Optimization Conference (2022)
Novel bounding techniques for multistage adaptive robust optimization, CORS/INFORMS International, Vancouver (2022)
On primal and dual bounding techniques for multistage adaptive robust optimization, Optimization Days, Montreal (2022)
Logic-based Benders decomposition and hybrid column generation for the network migration problem, Optimization Days, Montreal (2022)
Stochastic routing and wavelength assignment problem in WDM networks, INFORMS Annual Meeting (2021)
Integrated staffing and scheduling for service systems via multistage stochastic mixed-integer programming. CORS Annual Conference (2021)
Stochastic routing and wavelength assignment problem in WDM networks . CIRRELT (2021)
Lagrangian dual decision rules for integrated staffing and scheduling in service systems. INFORMS Annual Meeting ( 2020)
Stochastic routing and wavelength assignment problem in network defragmentation. INFORMS Telecommunications and Network Analytics Conference (2020)
Integrated staffing and scheduling for service systems via multistage stochastic integer programming. International Conference on Stochastic Programming, Trondheim (2019)
Lagrangian dual decision rules for multistage stochastic integer programming. Optimization Days, Montreal (2019)
Integrated pricing and routing decisions. INFORMS Revenue Management & Pricing, Toronto (invited, 2018)
Facility location problem with general objective functions. MIE Graduate Research Symposium, Toronto (poster, 2018)
Professional Service
CORS Annual Conference, Optimization Cluster Chair (2024)
INFORMS Chapters and Fora Committee Member (2022-present)
President of INFORMS/CORS UofT Chapter, (2019-2022)
INFORMS Honorable mention, 2020
INFORMS Magna cum laude 2021
Session Chair, Optimization Days, Montreal (2022)
Session Chair/Organizer, CORS/INFORMS International Conference (2022)
Session Chair, INFORMS Annual Meeting (2020, 2021)
Lead of student volunteers, CORS Annual Conference (2021)
Session Chair, INFORMS Telecommunications and Network Analytics Conference (2020)